Monday, May 10, 2010

A Mom's Role for the Groom

BLUEman: The Male Perspective

Mother’s Day is a chance to thank your mom for all she has done in your life. Growing up, my mom would often make my lunch before she would shuffle each of my brothers and sisters off to school.

She was always that support factor no matter what trouble I was getting into as well.

But did you know that your mom can play an important role in your own wedding? It’s true.

When you hit the dance floor after your wedding, one of the optional dances is the mother-son dance. This is a chance for your mom to dance with you in the spotlight.

But before that, she is escorted down the aisle at the beginning of your ceremony, most likely just before you make your way to the front. And during the ceremony, your mom, along with the mom of your bride, could get involved by helping to light the candles that you and your bride will use to light the unity candle.

But let’s rewind to way before the wedding day.

You’ve just got engaged. Your mom will cheerfully spread the news with all her family and friends. She should also reach out to the bride’s mom to express her happiness.

When it comes time to put together your invite list, your mom can be there to help you narrow down your choices on your side of the family, you’re A and B list for example. She will most likely have all the addresses you need to ensure the invites get to where they need to go.

When it’s time for the bridal shower, your mom should attend and bring a gift as well.

Once you and your bride are registered, your mom will most likely spread the word to your side of the family so that you get what you asked for.

The two moms will typically consult with one another on their wedding day outfits as well.

Traditionally, the rehearsal dinner is the groom’s responsibility. So your mom will most likely be there to make sure the restaurant of choice delivers on their promise so that you have a great party the night before your wedding.

You can see that your mom can play an important part in your wedding, much like she has all your life. Hopefully, you let her know how much she meant to you, yesterday, on Mother’s Day! But if not, make sure you do so now.

See you next Monday!

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